This is going to be a super abbreviated article today because I have a special video I’m hoping to get out before the week’s end (that is not really at all fantasy-related but is time-sensitive!) So we’re going to skip out on the fluff and get down to brass tacks.

Andrew is Our Supreme Fantasy Overlord

Folks, I think I’m over being annoyed and angry at Andrew’s fantasy dominance. Simply put, it’s too impressive a this point for me to be angry about it. What looked like a sure loss to Ryan this past Sunday slowly shifted into another Andrew win, dropping Ryan to 2-5. I don’t know how he keeps managing to do this, but consider it commissioner solidarity. Suck it, nerds.

A Lot of Teams Are Mid

If your name isn’t Andrew or Tyler, your team is mid unfortunately. Nearly half of the league is at or below .500 and if we count my fraudulent 4-3 record as really being .500 then it’s six of eight teams. There are different breeds of mid though. Ryan’s team is an underperforming mid, Chad’s team is an injured mid, Kelvin’s team is just bad. There is no shame in this, though. Just like high school musical: we’re all in this together.

I Forgot to Deduct 30 Points from the AI Last Week and I’m Not Sure If Tyler Really Knows

I was at a conference all week (humble brag but it was a library conference so its not actually a brag) with horrible hotel WiFi so I completely forgot to ever deduct 30 points from the AI’s score. I literally woke up on Friday morning, went to the last day of the conference, drove home, booted up Super Mario Wonder for the Nintendo Switch, played the entire first world, and had lunch before I finally remembered there was a Thursday Night Game and that Christian Kirk had dropped 21 points. All that being said, I dropped the ball there. But now the tantalizing question: do I do it now or is it set in stone as a historical pillar? Here’s an interesting tidbit: Andrew, who is playing the AI this week, has already deducted the 30 points for his upcoming game. Why didn’t he do it for Tyler? Trying to make him lose? I don’t know where I’m going with this, but I think it’s a big scandal.



Game Predictions

  • Andrew > AI
  • Tyler > Brent
  • Ryan > Chad
  • David > Kelvin

Good day, hopefully I will have my special video for you all by week’s end.

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